Back to BLoGing liao..
hm.. ytd wait for my cousin they all to come to my house to bai nian..after tat play 21point at my house.. then i be e banker.. then end up my couse mother all so ka su de.. scare their son will lost lo.. keep stay behind them and look.. so SIAN..
then i keep win e $$ then they will keep " Wa... xiao wen u keep winning lor.." / " wa u so heng lor" and somemore..
then i ji tao listen till very sian no mood to play liao.. is like gamble sure gt loser and winner right..and over all they play onli just 20cent 5o cent like tat.. dotz.. is not those 1 dollar or 2 dollar lo.. still have to say until like.. haiz..and it's chinese new yr le..dun say liao..then ji tao anyhow draw card without thinking lo..
then lost $10+..anyway chinese new yr just let them win lor...
then after tat 10.45pm went to meet er jie and shan jie to let them lao yu shen then after tat CM and adrain keep calling mi asking mi to go watch movie.. ok lor..then CM went to meet mi frist then took cab down to TM to meet adrain..went to TM to buy ticket and e movie ( ghost rider ) start at 1.30am lor..ZZZzzzz.. nvm anyway brought e ticket liao.. so go to cheers to buy drink and slack outside MRT till 1.15 then went back...
abt then e movie end at 3.30am..then walk to adrian house 7-11 then slack at there ard 5+ then went back home..
then end up slping ard 6.15am...
woke up at 10 am..
get prepare and do everything is ard 10.30am lor.. and i was LATE.. -.-" then meet CM at my block down stair then took bus to inter to meet clarissa ( sis ) and CM,adrain,cindy ( sis ) ,Michelle ( adrian gf ) , yang , weilin and oso her huddy.. bt when i reach there..cindy and clarissa were there liao.. SHIT.. sorry i was late..
then adrain,michelle, weilin and her huddy were even later than mi lor.. 0.0"
nvm... after tat straigth away took bus 31 to mdm tan house to bai pan..
and eat something at her house.. then start play 21 point again...
at her house lost $20+..
ard 2pm yang,adrain,cm,mi,weilin and her huddy went to took cab to CM house.. to bai nian..after tat at his house i lost $10+ lor...
4pm they went to my house to bai nian lor...cus my house just next block away from his house everyone come to my house lo..
then my bro friends all there my bro start to ask his friends wan to play anot.. then end up i join in again.. DIAO.. i join in lost $10+
after my mum prepare yu sheng again from my friends and my bro friends too..
so went lao yu sheng together lo..keke.. so fun...
then rest awhile chat chat..and my bro freinds say tat i'm older than my bro.. 0.O
OMG.. y they say i look so old.. haiz.. nvm...
then went to CM house again to slack till 8pm+ though he can lent car from his father but in e end nv.. so end up going home abt 10pm + lor..
today really not my day lor.. lost nearly $50 lor..hahas.. it's ok..
and tmr going to have lesson wif student again.. SIAN....
haiz... still at hoilday or chinese new yr mood.. dun wish to go back to sch le... =/
I miss her..